Options and Silent Installs
The installer can take in a number of options via the command line, in order to set default behavior and configuration – during the installation process.

The following is a list of arguments that can be passed to the installer via command line:
- /L*V <log file location>
- Will tell the installer where to log its progress.
- Note, the log path and log file must already be exist.
- APPDIR=<install directory>
- Will tell the installer where to install the application on the target machine.
- Will tell the installer to enable windows authentication and disable anonymous authentication, or not.
- Defaults to 0.
- Will tell the installer to launch a browser, to the application, or not once the installation is complete.
- Defaults to 1.
- APP_NAME=tds
- Will tell the installer what to “name” the application within IIS.
- Defaults to “tds”.
- Will tell the installer what to name the “Application Pool” for the installed application.
- Defaults to “TDSAppPool”.
- /qn, /quiet
- Will tell the installer to install “silently”.
- Example:
- msiexec /i <msi location> /L*V <log file location> APP_NAME=<app name> APP_POOL_NAME =<app pool name> ENABLE_WIN_AUTH=<1 or 0>
- Working example:
- msiexec /i "C:\deployment-package\tds.msi" /L*V "C:\ deployment-package\install-log.txt" APP_NAME=tds APP_POOL_NAME =MyAppPool ENABLE_WIN_AUTH=1 APPDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\TDS

The installer can be run “silently”, meaning it will not ask for any input from the user. It will use all default values, unless a specific option/argument was passed in via the command line.
- /qn, /quiet
- Will tell the installer to install “silently”
- Example:
- msiexec /i <msi location> /qn, /quiet /L*V <log file location> APPDIR=<install directory> ENABLE_WIN_AUTH=1
- Working example:
- msiexec /i "C:\deployment-package\tds.msi" /qn, /quiet /L*V "C:\ deployment-package\install-log.txt" APPDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\TDS
The installation package will contain pre-filled batch script, “silent-install.bat”, which you could add to, or edit, the arguments to pass to the “msi” file. Note, if you run the installer using the “silent-install.bat” file you must run it as an administrator.